Wander Activity: Indoor Target Shooting at Jethro Shooting Range

Indoor Shooting Range in the Metro Shooting is now considered as a sport and a fun-filled activity in the Philippines. Good news that you don’t need to be a cop or pro just to try this activity. Jethro Shooting Range which is located in Makati Cinema Square offers this shooting activity in very affordable price…

Wander Activity: Wall Climbing at Power Up

Indoor Climbing is now possible in a gym located in Quezon City. Power Up Gym in Quezon City offers adrenaline-pumping indoor wall climbing activity. Indoor Climbing or also known as Wall Climbing or Rock Climbing is an activity performed on an artificial structure that attempts to mimic the experience of outdoor rocks. The walls are…

Wander Activity: Sagittarium Archery

What is common between Robin Hood, Green Arrow, Hawkeye, and me? Well, in lieu to this post, we are all ‘Archers.’ I may not be as good as them but please allow me to be lined up with them for the sake of this post. LOL   It is my childhood dream to hold and…